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Protect Your Investment

Tanker Truck Maintenance

Essential Maintenance for Your Tanker Truck

Ensuring the longevity and safety of your tanker truck is crucial. Follow these maintenance tips to keep your vehicle in top condition.

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Regular Inspections and Preventative Measures

Monthly Inspections

Remember to inspect your tanker truck every 30 days and address any maintenance needs promptly.

Monthly Inspections
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Professional Support and Repairs

Amthor Standard Repairs

If your tanker truck needs repairs or isn't meeting the Amthor Standard, contact Blake at Amthor International for expert assistance.

Parts and Replacements

Need a new hose, nozzle, pump, or meter? Reach out to Amthor International for quality parts and service.

Tank Changeovers

Has your tank outlasted your chassis? Does your chassis have plenty of life still in it? Call Amthor International today to discuss a changeover for your company.

Contact for Maintenance

Key Maintenance Areas

Tank Tie-Downs
Tank Tie-Downs

Regularly check and tighten the tie-downs to ensure the tank is securely fastened to the chassis.

Grease Points
Grease Points

Lubricate crucial components like the PTO, hose reels, and manways to prevent wear and ensure smooth operation.

Windshield Wipers
Windshield Wipers

Replace windshield wipers as needed for clear visibility and safe driving.

Tire Pressure and Tread
Tire Pressure and Tread

Regularly inspect tire pressure and tread to prevent accidents and ensure road safety.

Tank Cleaning
Tank Cleaning

Regularly clean out your tank to remove residues and extend its lifespan.

Strainers and Filters
Strainers and Filters

Clean filters and strainers in the meter or pump for smooth flow and accurate readings.

Cleaning Equipment
Cleaning Equipment

Keep your truck and its attachments clean to prevent rust, bacteria, and mold, especially during winter.

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